BabyFruit Ticker

Monday, December 28, 2009

6 Month Baby.

My handsome boy is 6 months old now! He is growing wonderfully, super fun, very mellow, and such a blessing. I heart him.
His Stats:
18 lbs 2 oz (50-75%)
26 1/2 inches (50%)
His Skills:
Sitting up like a champ
Putting things in his mouth
Giggling real loud
Standing with support for 10 seconds
Hanging out with the ladies (Scarlett and Ellie)
His Foods:
Sweet Potatoes
Doesn't like:
Family Update:
Jason has been sick for like two weeks. Luckily he was able to take a few days off work and is now starting to feel better. James has been sick for about a week and had one trip to the doctor on Christmas Eve to get his nose cleaned with a scary machine and get his chest checked due to sounding like Darth Vader. I fear I am starting to get sick.
I chopped my hair off. I cut off somewhere around 11 inches to donate. I haven't taken a picture yet.

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

pictures to go with the last post.

Some Updates:

Jason and I got wills today. Mostly so that we ensure Pat, then Amy, then Mike get James if anything happens to us. Good work us being grown ups.

I start my Masters next month.

James is eating a lot of foods these days. He likes butternut squash and sweet potato, hates avocado, LOVES peas. So far I am still enjoying making all of his foods and am pleased with how simple it is. I have a routine going, I make a big batch every Sunday and Wednesday and stick a bunch in the freezer so we have a few options at all times. Next week we are going to introduce green beans and on Christmas he gets his very first fruit, some pears.

He discovered he has a tongue. See pictures below.

He can sit up VERY well for very long periods of time (ten+ minutes.) But still can't roll from front to back. He can reach for things. He likes to demand for food in his high chair. He LOVES LOVES LOVES banging on the laptop.

We went to see Santa today and pick out his first ornament. He was uninterested in Santa and just mostly sat there. He got a little fussy when Santa took James' hand out of his mouth and held it down for the picture. The Santa was LAME for being the "fancy Nordstroms Santa." He just sat there unengaged with James. It was a little sad.

I think that is all for now.

Oh! Jason is sweet... We drove past a cupcake store today that I didn't know about and I a little too excitedly yelled "CUPCAKES!" so Jason did a quick u-turn and bought me one. Aww.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Five Months

Today James turned five months! Good work kid.

He is still super cute. (of course!)

Current things awesome about him:

-He smiles real big at me when I wake him up in the morning, thus melting my heart.
-He can sit up all by himself now for long periods of time
-He is eating rice cereal and enjoys helping me feed him
-Chew on Jason's arm like a cob of corn while making snort sounds.
-Snack on his lower lip.

Sunday we will be starting him on a non rice cereal solid food. Great Grandpa gave him some butternut squash so we will be cooking that up for him. Pictures to come of that!!

I think those are the main things. And now for some pictures (which is the only reason anyone actually looks at this page.)

"You mean I get to eat this?"

"Wait which one do I eat?"

*Also - As of Thanksgiving morning James showed us he can sleep for ten straight hours which means for the first time in two months I got seven straight hours of sleep! Now that is something to be thankful for.

Saturday, November 7, 2009

James is cute

We have been trying rice cereal in James' milk to see if that will decrease the throwing up. It hasn't. So now we are on medicine for reflux to see if it helps. As of day one, no. However, I'm sure it takes a while to get in his system. He is a funny kid. He HATES rice cereal but loves the concept of if. Every time the spoon gets near him he gets an excited face and then as soon a the spoon goes in his mouth he gets the saddest face. He does however, love medicine. The doctor said the reflux stuff kids don't normally like and was teaching us tricks to get him to eat it. We put it near him and he was already trying to suck it down. Funny kid.

Today James did some painting. He worked on painting turkeys to take to early thanksgiving tomorrow.

Today I also turned his pumpkin from the earlier post into six mini pumpkin pies. I felt all domestic-y making a homemade pie and not from the can. Go me.

Friday, October 30, 2009


After trying to put James to bed for an hour and forty minutes and then listening to him cry/scream for 45 minutes even while holding or rocking him for a big part of the time I finally took him out of the room. The minute I walked into our room he smiled and started giggling. I put him on the bed for a few minutes and watched him smile and giggle. I picked up up and rocked him for a minute and then walked back into his room and he started screaming. I backed out of the room he giggles.

So now I caved. He is laying in my bed giggling at me while I type this.

I guess we will try new bed time and sleeping in our own room again tomorrow when Jason is home to help take turns with the crying.

p.s. Good thing babies are so cute when they smile so that they crying doesn't seem soooooo bad.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

My four month old boy.

We went to the doctor today, it went well and I still love our doctor.
Here is a recap:

-He is a beast. 15 pounds 10 ounces. He has now bigger than his bff. (I wonder if that means at our next play date if he will start fighting back with Scarlett tries to eat him.)
-He is 25 1/4 inches long, which explains why he is now in size 6 month and sometimes 9 month clothing.
-He loves medicine and sucked it down in no time today.
-We are starting a new nap and sleep schedule that the doctor thinks will help with his sleeping issues that have developed (he wont go to bed before 11pm and STILL gets up 2-3 times each night before 8 am)
-We are starting rice cereal mixed into his bottles or before breastfeeding to see if it will slow down or stop his throwing up. (Last night jason got projectile vomited on...awesome.)
-The nurse said "he really is one of the cutest babies ever."

We got home today and tried a small of amount of rice cereal. James made a grumpy face and then sat with the food in his mouth for five minutes refusing to swallow. However after about 10 minutes of breastfeeding he ate about five bites of cereal. He doesn't seem to love it though.

And now he is crying so I will post more pictures later.

Monday, October 26, 2009

James turned four months yesterday! I can't believe how big he is getting and that he is already four months. He doesn't feel like a baby anymore. Just a kid. He got his first hair cut yesterday. The first picture is pre cut the last two are post cut. I will post another blog this week with an update from the doctors office.

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

James is Two Months!

First... how cute is this picture?

Second, how cute is this picture!!

Third, for some reason this picture wanted to be sideways for the first 10 uploads, after rotating multiple times Jason finally got it to work.

Fourth, my boy is two months old already! (doesn't he look handsome in his stripe sweater in his two month birthday picture?!?)
We took him to the doctor today and learned several things:
-he is a beast, 12 lbs 3 oz. The nurse claims he is only 21 7/8" but I kinda don't agree. When he was at his playdate on Tuesday he was just hardly shorter than Scarlett who I think Megan said is 24" and on our surfboard he measures at 24".
-He has extra impressive neck strength and at two months is not expected to be rolling over yet but still is. He even rolled over at the doctor office.
-The doctor was shocked at how much my pot belly piggy is eating (4-6oz!!!) the average for his age is 3-4.
-She thinks he is vomiting after nursing due to my milk supply being too much and as a result he can't keep up with it and gasps a lot of air.
-He got shots today. It broke my heart a tiny bit when he cried SO hard after getting them. He is also now grumpy (we had to give him cherry pain drops) and he has slept for four hours since leaving the doctor 5 hours ago.
-He is awesome. (the nurse totally said so)
-Last, we LOVE the doctor and nurse. They are both super super nice, know a lot, and excited to work with James. As a result I am excited to take James to them for the next long time.

Fifth, Dave and McKenna plus Ellie were in town last weekend. They came over for a visit as did Amy and Pat. It was great to have everyone together. James slept most of the time. Ellie played with his toys most of the time. Dave was nervous of the babies but got over it quickly, good work Dave. Dave and McKenna are great friends and I'm stoked James is lucky enough to already be building a friendship with Scarlett that is hopefully like mine and Daves. (Dave and I have been friends for almost 25 years..dang!)

Sixth, Jason finally shaved his gross beard. Even more gross he walked out with a moustache. He promptly went and shaved it back off when I yelled GROOOOSSSSSS and told him to get out.

Seventh, I am on strike. Prayers that the district and union can resolve this quickly please. I don't want to have to be separated from my baby for all day long to not even be doing my job.

Thursday, August 6, 2009

p.s. My son snores, tells stories, and "eats" (dreams of food and makes sucking motions) in his sleep. It is cute.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

I love the way Jamie smells after a bath.

Here is a quick update on my favorite baby:

- He smells GREAT after a bath

-I watched him wiggle his body to face a different direction yesterday. He went from feet pointed to the tv to feet pointed to the couch all by himself.

-speaking of tv, he loves it. He enjoys laying in front of it and watching during his tummy time.

-He is six weeks old tomorrow (wow!)

-We switched him to a bottle part time with expressed milk. This has improved his daily feeding by one thousand as far as how happy the two of us are. He currently alternates between the two during the day and just bottles at night. Since starting this he has: only had one screaming fit while eating in the last week (used to be 2-3 times a day) - he is only vomiting maybe once a day and hardly at all on me during eating anymore - he is sleeping for two stretches of 3-4 hours each night - when breastfeeding he is now much more focused and therefore no longer hurting me(yay!)

-He enjoys time with Scarlett. Last time they had a play date they spent the day acting like siblings. she would try to gouge his eyeballs out and he would then punch her in the face or kick her. Very cute and funny.

-He LOVES the painting above our bed (bold stripes and blocks of blue, black, and white) he will sit and stare at it for a good twenty minutes.

-He went to his first two baseball games last week and is going to another one this sunday. He did well at both of them, especially considering the heat on both days (104 the second game!). He has a cute hat and mostly likes to sleep during the game. However when he is awake he likes whoever is holding him to explain what is going on. He loves the Mariners and Raul Ibanez.
-He has discovered he has fingers he can suck on.

-He is cute

-I love him.

Friday, July 24, 2009

I heart Jamie.

One Month Old
One Day Old

James is one month old today! I can't believe how fast he is growing. I think he has already grown two and a half inches longer in his short life.

So far being a parent is great. I am VERY relieved to say that since up until the first moment I held him I was terrified of parenthood. Not necessarily parenthood, just of infants. However, from the first moment I held him all my fears went away and every minute with him (even the crying for three hours straight minutes) have been a total joy.

I'm stoked that he already has friends! He appears to be a ladies man. Scarlett (his bff) and him were holding hands the other day! The next day Juliana came over and gave him kisses.

Monday, June 29, 2009

I love my boys.

James is the best baby ever. He is super cute...cutest boy not named Jason that I know.

Today we went and got him circumcised and had his first well baby check up. I was nervous about the circumcision. However, it went great! The doctor took him into a different room and gave him a little local something and some sugar water and then did the snip. When he left the room he was crying and when he came back from he was happy and hungry. Since leaving the doctor he has slept for three hours in his car seat and is currently for the FIRST TIME EVER sleeping in his crib. This is such a relief because it may mean he will start sleeping in it at night a little bit and both of us could actual get a little sleep at the same time.

Everyday he amazes me because just when I think he can't get any more cute or I can't love him any more he does and I do. I love his little faces that he makes and sometimes I can't sleep because I would rather just look at him.

Alright, enough are some recent pictures: Best Friends alreadyNap time
Yay foam finger!

Friday, June 26, 2009

James Michael LaFavor

First here is the adorable little guy:

I wanted to make a list of things I am excited to do with my son in the future.

1. Buy him a fake razor bathtub toy so he can use bubbles from his bubble bath to pretend to shave like his dad.
2. Wrestle.
3. Play with toy trucks.
4. Watch baseball and football. Have Father-Son sports day.
5. Watch little league games. (Molly will totally be the Mom who gets really really mad at the umpires, but won't yell at them, just complain to the other Moms.)

Sunday, June 7, 2009

I think have failed as a teacher

My sixth grade students were asked to do a research paper on economic and geographic factors that led to a group of peoples need to immigrate. Here is my favorite sentence from one of the papers:

"Most cans have immigrants to get away form fiddle casters communist regime in eBay as my as 78,000 arrived in me united states in 1962."

Sometimes spell check on the computer is a bad bad thing.
Jason and I will totally be parents in two weeks...hopefully. Three weeks at most!


Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Mariners Opening Day Pictures♦

We went to Opening Day today and I took a ton of pictures using Molly's new camera, here are the highlights. These were all taken from the 300 level also. Click the pics for higher quality:

Griffey coming out on the red carpet, he got quite the intro standing ovation.

Rare time Mariners flag is in first place.

Griffey Swinging.

Guerrero fouling a pitch back

Guerrero diving back to the bag, Branyan had to jump up to catch the ball on the pickoff attempt.

Ichiro watched from the dugout.

Gutierrez dropping down a sacrifice bunt.

Silva pitched a great game giving up only 2 runs in 7 innings.

Here is Phil Carlo and I.

Lopez catching a key late game popup.

Aardsma pitched a good inning in relief of Silva.

Morrow came in and had some control issues (when does he not, really?) but shut down the Angels anyway.

Gutierrez led off the bottom of the 10th with a double, scored on a sacrifice bunt by Yuni that Shields threw away. Yay the M's are 6-2!

Friday, April 3, 2009

I need a nap.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

I have a LOUD dehumidifier in my house... it is the size of two big suitcases and has to run all night. I have a mold spot growing at my window. I have a strip of wet ceiling. I have two VERY wet towels in my sink.

I am lucky though because we control the water for the two units above us and not just ours.

Last night a pipe in the unit above us broke (my guess is around four) around five I noticed a large amount of water flowing around my window and at six I noticed water dripping out of the ceiling.

Now construction workers are coming and going as the decide the best way to fix the problem. Luckily we don't have to pay for any of it and they are replacing our already broken faucet right away instead of when they get around to it because they feel bad.

Now if I could just get them to pay the electric bill next month which will go up from the 24 hours of dehumidifier.

Sunday, March 8, 2009

We registered!

Well sort of...
We started registries at Babies R Us and Target so that when I get bored at night and look at stuff online I can add it to a registry.

Good story.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Big Baby Day


-Grover got hiccups and I felt it

-Grover kicked and I saw my belly move

-Jason felt Grover kick.

North Shore Pictures.

We decided to head to the North Shore on the second day of our Hawaii Vacation. It was good times. First thing we saw was these cool colorful trees.

We did the Pineapple maze at the Dole Plantation. It was fun, even with Jason's bum ankle. We pretty much...don't rock at mazes but we finished!

After lunch and the BEST shave ice EVER we headed to the beach. Jason took some cool pictures.

On the way back to Waikiki we saw some really cool clouds/fog.

But most importantly I bought a Guava Chiffon cake. Jason did not understand how amazing this cake is so I got to eat the whole thing by myself...of course over four days.