BabyFruit Ticker

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

I have a LOUD dehumidifier in my house... it is the size of two big suitcases and has to run all night. I have a mold spot growing at my window. I have a strip of wet ceiling. I have two VERY wet towels in my sink.

I am lucky though because we control the water for the two units above us and not just ours.

Last night a pipe in the unit above us broke (my guess is around four) around five I noticed a large amount of water flowing around my window and at six I noticed water dripping out of the ceiling.

Now construction workers are coming and going as the decide the best way to fix the problem. Luckily we don't have to pay for any of it and they are replacing our already broken faucet right away instead of when they get around to it because they feel bad.

Now if I could just get them to pay the electric bill next month which will go up from the 24 hours of dehumidifier.

Sunday, March 8, 2009

We registered!

Well sort of...
We started registries at Babies R Us and Target so that when I get bored at night and look at stuff online I can add it to a registry.

Good story.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Big Baby Day


-Grover got hiccups and I felt it

-Grover kicked and I saw my belly move

-Jason felt Grover kick.

North Shore Pictures.

We decided to head to the North Shore on the second day of our Hawaii Vacation. It was good times. First thing we saw was these cool colorful trees.

We did the Pineapple maze at the Dole Plantation. It was fun, even with Jason's bum ankle. We pretty much...don't rock at mazes but we finished!

After lunch and the BEST shave ice EVER we headed to the beach. Jason took some cool pictures.

On the way back to Waikiki we saw some really cool clouds/fog.

But most importantly I bought a Guava Chiffon cake. Jason did not understand how amazing this cake is so I got to eat the whole thing by myself...of course over four days.

Sunday, March 1, 2009

This morning my dad showed up for chuch and handed us the GPS "Steve" system we bought him as a gift for helping with our wedding. He said he no longer needed it because Cathy was better. Cathy is his new GPS inside of his NEW car. He is now the proud owner of a Lincoln Navigator. He was super cute and said he got it for driving around grandkids.

Then he bought us a "travel system" - car seat and stroller combo. We got the Eddie Bauer stroller. I also bought the CUTEST Mariners zip up hoodie! It is sooooo cute.

Creative solution to not finding hardware that fits in the dresser.

Latest belly picture.

Also, today Grover kicked me today hard enough that I would have seen his/her little foot. He was mad that the women wouldn't shut up behind us at the movies and tried to kick them.