BabyFruit Ticker

Monday, May 17, 2010

teething is.... not fun.

On a side note... this is the 100th post! and there is 39 days until my son is 1 year.

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Hi Great Grandma Wilma, Great Grandpa AJ, and Great Great Grandma Bohn!!

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Just watched the cutest thing

James is determined that he wants to be sitting up in his bed right now, with his blankets piled up in his lap. However he is also VERY sleepy and every few minutes starts to tip over and then catches himself and sits right back up. I have watched him tip over at least ten times now.

I have determined James' personality. He is a laid back, energetic organizer. The past few days he has started to play with purpose, which Jason is totally in love with. It has been cute, we can sit for up to an hour watching as James will move his toys about. Mostly his blocks, he will move them all from one chair to a different chair across the room, once that is completed he will move them to a new location. He has also been known to help with the laundry in that he will pull his diapers all out of the basket and then put them all back in the basket. Currently he is stacking his pancake bites into the cup holder of his high chair and then eating them one at a time from there.

He has learned how to play hide and seek. Well, sorta. He has learned how to play seek and LOVES it. Jason and I will get down and craw with great speed to different spots in the house and James' will chase at great speeds to find us. Once he has found us he cracks up and then off we go to hide from him.

He is officially a climber. He can climb the six stairs outside our front door and he can climb up Jason's lap to get to Jason's glasses.

His last big thing is that he is starting to stand unsupported. He only does it for about 5-10 seconds at a time tops before he realizes what he is doing and grabs for anything near by. He will also only do it if he is distracted by two toys, one for each hand.

So far age ten months is my favorite age of all. I love that kid so much.