BabyFruit Ticker

Monday, December 28, 2009

6 Month Baby.

My handsome boy is 6 months old now! He is growing wonderfully, super fun, very mellow, and such a blessing. I heart him.
His Stats:
18 lbs 2 oz (50-75%)
26 1/2 inches (50%)
His Skills:
Sitting up like a champ
Putting things in his mouth
Giggling real loud
Standing with support for 10 seconds
Hanging out with the ladies (Scarlett and Ellie)
His Foods:
Sweet Potatoes
Doesn't like:
Family Update:
Jason has been sick for like two weeks. Luckily he was able to take a few days off work and is now starting to feel better. James has been sick for about a week and had one trip to the doctor on Christmas Eve to get his nose cleaned with a scary machine and get his chest checked due to sounding like Darth Vader. I fear I am starting to get sick.
I chopped my hair off. I cut off somewhere around 11 inches to donate. I haven't taken a picture yet.

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

pictures to go with the last post.

Some Updates:

Jason and I got wills today. Mostly so that we ensure Pat, then Amy, then Mike get James if anything happens to us. Good work us being grown ups.

I start my Masters next month.

James is eating a lot of foods these days. He likes butternut squash and sweet potato, hates avocado, LOVES peas. So far I am still enjoying making all of his foods and am pleased with how simple it is. I have a routine going, I make a big batch every Sunday and Wednesday and stick a bunch in the freezer so we have a few options at all times. Next week we are going to introduce green beans and on Christmas he gets his very first fruit, some pears.

He discovered he has a tongue. See pictures below.

He can sit up VERY well for very long periods of time (ten+ minutes.) But still can't roll from front to back. He can reach for things. He likes to demand for food in his high chair. He LOVES LOVES LOVES banging on the laptop.

We went to see Santa today and pick out his first ornament. He was uninterested in Santa and just mostly sat there. He got a little fussy when Santa took James' hand out of his mouth and held it down for the picture. The Santa was LAME for being the "fancy Nordstroms Santa." He just sat there unengaged with James. It was a little sad.

I think that is all for now.

Oh! Jason is sweet... We drove past a cupcake store today that I didn't know about and I a little too excitedly yelled "CUPCAKES!" so Jason did a quick u-turn and bought me one. Aww.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009