BabyFruit Ticker

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Five Months

Today James turned five months! Good work kid.

He is still super cute. (of course!)

Current things awesome about him:

-He smiles real big at me when I wake him up in the morning, thus melting my heart.
-He can sit up all by himself now for long periods of time
-He is eating rice cereal and enjoys helping me feed him
-Chew on Jason's arm like a cob of corn while making snort sounds.
-Snack on his lower lip.

Sunday we will be starting him on a non rice cereal solid food. Great Grandpa gave him some butternut squash so we will be cooking that up for him. Pictures to come of that!!

I think those are the main things. And now for some pictures (which is the only reason anyone actually looks at this page.)

"You mean I get to eat this?"

"Wait which one do I eat?"

*Also - As of Thanksgiving morning James showed us he can sleep for ten straight hours which means for the first time in two months I got seven straight hours of sleep! Now that is something to be thankful for.


Bethany said...

That kid just gets cuter and cuter, I swear.

Cam-Fu said...

From the small thumbnail on my reading list, it looked like James' leg turned into a squash. Happy 5-month Jamie, and Happy Thanksgiving to you all!