My handsome boy is 6 months old now! He is growing wonderfully, super fun, very mellow, and such a blessing. I heart him.
His Stats:
18 lbs 2 oz (50-75%)
26 1/2 inches (50%)
His Skills:
Sitting up like a champ
Putting things in his mouth
Giggling real loud
Standing with support for 10 seconds
Hanging out with the ladies (Scarlett and Ellie)
His Foods:
Sweet Potatoes
Doesn't like:
Family Update:
Jason has been sick for like two weeks. Luckily he was able to take a few days off work and is now starting to feel better. James has been sick for about a week and had one trip to the doctor on Christmas Eve to get his nose cleaned with a scary machine and get his chest checked due to sounding like Darth Vader. I fear I am starting to get sick.
I chopped my hair off. I cut off somewhere around 11 inches to donate. I haven't taken a picture yet.