BabyFruit Ticker

Sunday, March 1, 2009

This morning my dad showed up for chuch and handed us the GPS "Steve" system we bought him as a gift for helping with our wedding. He said he no longer needed it because Cathy was better. Cathy is his new GPS inside of his NEW car. He is now the proud owner of a Lincoln Navigator. He was super cute and said he got it for driving around grandkids.

Then he bought us a "travel system" - car seat and stroller combo. We got the Eddie Bauer stroller. I also bought the CUTEST Mariners zip up hoodie! It is sooooo cute.

Creative solution to not finding hardware that fits in the dresser.

Latest belly picture.

Also, today Grover kicked me today hard enough that I would have seen his/her little foot. He was mad that the women wouldn't shut up behind us at the movies and tried to kick them.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The room looks awesome! Very cute owl. Those travel systems are awesome, btw, we had a carseat from Cam's aunt that fit in the stroller because it was the same brand, but I always wished they matched. Nice for when they fall asleep in the car and you don't want to wake them up to transfer to the stroller.

Yeah, the kicking doesn't stop. Not even when they're out. Jelly kicks me in the face or in the chest on nearly a daily basis.