BabyFruit Ticker

Wednesday, February 25, 2009


1.) This week if Grover were to come early he would have a chance at survival... hopefully Grover will stay put a little longer though.

2.) We finished the dresser for our baby room. Now we have a dresser, six outfits, and one bottle. I would say we are prepared. :)

3.) We just bought a six pack of tickets to Mariner games this summer! We have four tickets and only three games scheduled with other people, which means.... if you want to go to a game with us let us know!

4.) I love Cadbury eggs.

5.) Grover also likes them and is kicking me right now for not eating one.

The end.

Part two:

Reasons I think Grover is a boy:

1.) Jason's Grandma only had heartburn at night when she was prego with a boy, I only have heartburn at night.

2.) Jason's mom had a dream it was a boy.

3.) Grover would look sooo cute in the Mariners hoodie I want.

4.) Bethany says I'm carrying high and not low like she did it must be a boy.

5.) We have no problem picking out boy names but girl name is tricky.

Reasons I think Grover is a girl:

1.) Then I would be twins with Megan.

The end again.

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