BabyFruit Ticker

Thursday, October 6, 2011

I just realized that I haven't posted a blog in six months. It has been a busy few months, mostly with naps. Now I'm trying to finish up my masters so I can start making Christmas gifts. I have very fun ideas for what time make all the kiddos I know this year. Anyway, here is a few recent favorite photos of Jamesie this summer.

Saturday, March 26, 2011

I downloaded Picasa and am in love with it. So far some of my favorites (original and then new)

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Showin off his cute homemade pants that go great with his starwars shirt.
I love these boys.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Happy Birthday Scarlett

To start with, Jamesie has a new favorite way to watch tv, curled up and in chill mode.

On to the rest of the post! I finished Scarlett's birthday gift! Now, I have never seen yo gabba gabba but a few google images helped me make this cute bag. I love it so much that I kinda want to keep it, except the strap is too short for me so I guess i will have to pass it along. :)

The front of the bag has spaces to hold markers and a peek a boo from the unibrow guy because as I told Jason, no gift is complete without a unibrow. I hope she loves it and if not Jamesie has offered to take it off her hands. Happy Birthday Scarlett, I can't believe you are already two!

Thursday, March 3, 2011


I made pants for Jamesie!! All by myself because I'm awesome (and modest). Halfway through I decide to be uber impressive and make them reversible. Wow! They aren't finished yet because he isn't awake for me to measure his waist and his height. However, here are the pictures of what they look like right now. Tomorrow I will post a picture of him hopefully being cute in them.

Here is one side. Though I don't know if I will keep the cuffs.
Here is the other side. This side is soft. I want to turn it into sheets. Or just a pillow case.

I made a cute little tag to hide where I messed up the elastic and forgot to hide it in the first place. But apparently it is geeky. And Jason is a jerk.

Friday, February 25, 2011

James is 20 months old today! Dang I can't believe it. Here are some of the amazing things he can do now:
-Yesterday he wanted help with something and said "help please" without prompting from us.
-This morning he wanted out of his chair and said "please get up"
-He pretty consistently will say "hi ___" or "bye ___" to whoever he is talking to.
(Can you tell I'm impressed with his talking skills?)
-He LOVES Bob and Larry of Veggietales, Bob mostly. He is learning to be patient and do the "loading" dance when waiting for netflix to load Bob. He will let us know it is time to watch Bob by saying "Bob," pointing at the tv, and bringing us the proper remote. He is also getting the point where he knows how to work some of the controls and can restart Bob on his own at times.
-He LOVES Ernie and other Sesame Street characters.
-His favorite foods include: blueberries, cake, cookies, cheetos, cheese, and bread. He has become a picky eater though and most nights chooses to skip dinner rather than eat what I make.
-He can identify 17 letters (wow!)
-He sleeps o.k. Not great. Not as terrible as before.
-He loves having a house and a backyard to run around in.
-I think maybe that is all for now.

Monday, February 14, 2011

food blogging for coworkers.

So Darcy and Alex didn't believe that I could make pizza on a bbq. To prove them wrong I thought I would food blog it. :)

So you start with pizza crust dough. SOOO easy. 1/2 c water and that box of mix. Stir then rest for five minutes. (This is two boxes worth)
Next you knead it for a few minutes.
Roll it out all romantic like, it is Valentines day after all.
Prepare your toppings. Or if you are like James, you could just do this stage and eat cold pepperoni for dinner.
Toss it on the bbq. :) (see it does work!) Here it has already been flipped over, I didn't leave this batch on long enough to get the lines though. About 4-5 minutes per side. After you flip it you add the toppings and then close the lid for 5 minutes. Opening it to check on it will slow the melting of the cheese.
Tada! Pizza heart for the hubby and pizza face for the Jamesie.
(Mine was cooked up with sausage, grilled onions, and peppers, much tastier than the boys pizza.)