James is 15 months old this weekend, which is ridiculous. He has gotten to become a fun and exciting little boy. He likes to climb, dance, giggle, and sign. He has learned to sign "food" "more" "please" "water" "up" and "bye." It is cute. Sometimes he even says "more" "food" "please." We are still working on words out loud, sometimes he will say "da" for dog and "ca" for cat when he sees a picture of them. When he sees a cow he says "mmmmmmm." Bedtime is my new favorite, for about two months now our routine is read Jesus Storybook Bible and then Good Night Gorilla. Jason reads the bible while I feed him a snack. Then I will say "go get Good Night Gorilla" and he knows what I'm asking and will go find it. Last night he found it under the mattress at the side of the room which is impressive since Jason and I didn't know where it was.
On a personal note, work is kinda stinky this year. However, I lost ten pounds this summer!
On a house note, still none yet.
Love the new layout. Besides that James is super cute and it looks like you were even able to find a little bit of summer.
Thanks! I love the penguins on your page!
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