BabyFruit Ticker

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Five Months

Today James turned five months! Good work kid.

He is still super cute. (of course!)

Current things awesome about him:

-He smiles real big at me when I wake him up in the morning, thus melting my heart.
-He can sit up all by himself now for long periods of time
-He is eating rice cereal and enjoys helping me feed him
-Chew on Jason's arm like a cob of corn while making snort sounds.
-Snack on his lower lip.

Sunday we will be starting him on a non rice cereal solid food. Great Grandpa gave him some butternut squash so we will be cooking that up for him. Pictures to come of that!!

I think those are the main things. And now for some pictures (which is the only reason anyone actually looks at this page.)

"You mean I get to eat this?"

"Wait which one do I eat?"

*Also - As of Thanksgiving morning James showed us he can sleep for ten straight hours which means for the first time in two months I got seven straight hours of sleep! Now that is something to be thankful for.

Saturday, November 7, 2009

James is cute

We have been trying rice cereal in James' milk to see if that will decrease the throwing up. It hasn't. So now we are on medicine for reflux to see if it helps. As of day one, no. However, I'm sure it takes a while to get in his system. He is a funny kid. He HATES rice cereal but loves the concept of if. Every time the spoon gets near him he gets an excited face and then as soon a the spoon goes in his mouth he gets the saddest face. He does however, love medicine. The doctor said the reflux stuff kids don't normally like and was teaching us tricks to get him to eat it. We put it near him and he was already trying to suck it down. Funny kid.

Today James did some painting. He worked on painting turkeys to take to early thanksgiving tomorrow.

Today I also turned his pumpkin from the earlier post into six mini pumpkin pies. I felt all domestic-y making a homemade pie and not from the can. Go me.