BabyFruit Ticker

Friday, October 30, 2009


After trying to put James to bed for an hour and forty minutes and then listening to him cry/scream for 45 minutes even while holding or rocking him for a big part of the time I finally took him out of the room. The minute I walked into our room he smiled and started giggling. I put him on the bed for a few minutes and watched him smile and giggle. I picked up up and rocked him for a minute and then walked back into his room and he started screaming. I backed out of the room he giggles.

So now I caved. He is laying in my bed giggling at me while I type this.

I guess we will try new bed time and sleeping in our own room again tomorrow when Jason is home to help take turns with the crying.

p.s. Good thing babies are so cute when they smile so that they crying doesn't seem soooooo bad.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

My four month old boy.

We went to the doctor today, it went well and I still love our doctor.
Here is a recap:

-He is a beast. 15 pounds 10 ounces. He has now bigger than his bff. (I wonder if that means at our next play date if he will start fighting back with Scarlett tries to eat him.)
-He is 25 1/4 inches long, which explains why he is now in size 6 month and sometimes 9 month clothing.
-He loves medicine and sucked it down in no time today.
-We are starting a new nap and sleep schedule that the doctor thinks will help with his sleeping issues that have developed (he wont go to bed before 11pm and STILL gets up 2-3 times each night before 8 am)
-We are starting rice cereal mixed into his bottles or before breastfeeding to see if it will slow down or stop his throwing up. (Last night jason got projectile vomited on...awesome.)
-The nurse said "he really is one of the cutest babies ever."

We got home today and tried a small of amount of rice cereal. James made a grumpy face and then sat with the food in his mouth for five minutes refusing to swallow. However after about 10 minutes of breastfeeding he ate about five bites of cereal. He doesn't seem to love it though.

And now he is crying so I will post more pictures later.

Monday, October 26, 2009

James turned four months yesterday! I can't believe how big he is getting and that he is already four months. He doesn't feel like a baby anymore. Just a kid. He got his first hair cut yesterday. The first picture is pre cut the last two are post cut. I will post another blog this week with an update from the doctors office.

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Wednesday, October 7, 2009