BabyFruit Ticker

Wednesday, February 25, 2009


1.) This week if Grover were to come early he would have a chance at survival... hopefully Grover will stay put a little longer though.

2.) We finished the dresser for our baby room. Now we have a dresser, six outfits, and one bottle. I would say we are prepared. :)

3.) We just bought a six pack of tickets to Mariner games this summer! We have four tickets and only three games scheduled with other people, which means.... if you want to go to a game with us let us know!

4.) I love Cadbury eggs.

5.) Grover also likes them and is kicking me right now for not eating one.

The end.

Part two:

Reasons I think Grover is a boy:

1.) Jason's Grandma only had heartburn at night when she was prego with a boy, I only have heartburn at night.

2.) Jason's mom had a dream it was a boy.

3.) Grover would look sooo cute in the Mariners hoodie I want.

4.) Bethany says I'm carrying high and not low like she did it must be a boy.

5.) We have no problem picking out boy names but girl name is tricky.

Reasons I think Grover is a girl:

1.) Then I would be twins with Megan.

The end again.

Saturday, February 21, 2009


We went to Hawaii on vacation this week! It was good times except for the rain that came for a little while each day. The first day we got there at like three and went straight to the beach... it was Sunny! and I took my first prego belly shot since being prego. (Yay Grover's first picture). It was a holiday so it was crazy busy at the beach and we didn't stay too long.

A shot of Diamond Head from Waikiki... Later in the week we hiked this like champs. After wandering around for a while we were totally classy and at Chili's for dinner...we had sliders. yummmmy.
Day Two: we headed up to the Dole Plantation to do the pineapple maze and then over to the North Shore where we got the most amazing shaved ice EVER. I have pictures but it wont let me up load them so stay tuned.
Day Three: We headed to Pearl Harbor to see the Arizona, Bowfin, Missouri, and Aviation museum. It was one of our favorite places of the whole trip and we ended up spending almost five hours there.

That is the Bowfin in the was super neat to go on a sub.

This is the Arizona underwater.

Day four: We went to Diamond Head but it was closed so we used the first sunny morning as our only chance to swim in the ocean. We spent about three hours playing in the water. At one point Jason got punched in the face by a was the funniest thing of the whole trip. I also got a goofy looking sunburn even though I was wearing sunblock...think just the tops of my hands, right next to my arm pits, and my nose. After playing at the beach we went to see some fishies.
We started the day with these delicious doughnut type things...they were like being at the fair.

Jason found a tree with ropes to swing on...only the ropes were growing from the tree.

For dinner that night we went to a buffet with roast beef and other yummy foods...then I ate five desserts and Grover kicked me for that.

Day Five: We got up early and went to Diamond Head before leaving the airport. It was fun and luckily not too busy until we were finishing. Just after finishing I went into the bathroom and Jason heard some girl walk out and say to her husband "I just saw some women that was pregnant about to do this, that is crazy" and he was proud of me. :)

After doing the hike we went to this hamburger place called Hamburgers on the Edge. It was the best hamburger of my life.
And that was our trip. :)
p.s. Yay Junior is a Mariner again!