BabyFruit Ticker

Thursday, November 18, 2010

I bought this shirt for James about a month after I found out we were prego. I thought it would be YEARS before he would fit into it. And yet here he is wearing it. My baby is growing up. I can't believe how big he grown up he is getting.

He is also developing a silly little personality and knows how to use his cuteness in his favor.

Things he can do:
- He can say "hi" "cat" "woof" "mama" and "dada"
- He can work sign "more" "please" "milk" "food" and I feel like something else but I can't remember.
-He understands a TON of what we say to him which is awesome.
- He can find Goodnight Gorilla anywhere in the bedroom
-He can find the gorilla, elephant, and lion on each page of Goodnight Gorilla
-He knows where his head, shoulders, knees, toes, ears are and my nose mouth and eyes. He likes to poke me in the eyes.
-He loves his cat and dog.
-He loves to give his cat and dog a snuggle.
-He is awesome.

On non James news:
-I'm half way done with my Masters
-I'm doing conferences next week which is exhausting just thinking about it
-I'm having fun making a lot of handmade Christmas gifts this year. Pictures to come after they have been given.
-It is looking more like we wont have a house by Christmas. BOOO. BOOO times five thousand.
-Next week I'm going to make pumpkin pies from pumpkins not cans. sweet.
-This week I finally redeemed my birthday gift from Jason: one full week of not having to any dishes or have to hear Jason complain about doing dishes. It is sweet.
-Yesterday I had to change ZERO diapers.
-I think that is all for now.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010