BabyFruit Ticker

Friday, February 26, 2010

James is eight months old! I can't believe how quick it has gone! James has been a BUSY boy this month. He has learned how to say "mama" "mom" "mamamamamamamamam" and "babababa." He thinks "dadadada" is funny but has shown no interest in saying it himself. He has learned to for sure crawl backwards and is starting to crawl forwards. He is really motivated to crawl forwards when you put the laptop on the ground in front of him. He is eating lots of food these days. Purred veggies and fruits, chunky peas, turkey, yogurt, puffs, and as of tonight pasta bow ties.

He has such a funny little personality. He thinks it is fun to be messy, fun to be naked, fun to fart, more fun to fart while naked, and hilarious to pee while naked. He hardcore cracks up at the last one. He likes to bang on things, he is ticklish, loves the sound of the harmonica, and smiles SUPER big when I get home from work. Everyday he amazes me.

Alright, on to pictures:

Crawled himself under his chair when Jason wasn't looking.
Likes me.
Contemplating out to get into the box he is next to.
Just finished painting a birthday card. We were VERY messy today.
Just plain adorable.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

James is getting so big!
This week he has learned to get up into a crawling position and stay that way for about a minute before he flops on his belly. He can also roll all over the room and knows where to roll to get his toys out.
He has learned to make a chomping motion with his mouth. It is super funny. He does it all day long until it is time to eat then he is back to mashing with his tongue.

This week he got to eat blueberries, which I apparently thought was more exciting than he did. He seems indifferent. He really likes plain yogurt and he will be trying parsnips tomorrow and turkey on Sunday.

Most importantly last night he slept soooo good. He went to bed at 730, slept until 440 and then again until 715. It was wonderful. I can already tell tonight wont be as well.

On a non James side of things, I started my masters last weekend. So far it is SUPER easy. We have done two art/poem projects and decorated our notebooks. If all classes are this easy it will be awesome. Now all I need is time/motivation to read the book by next month.

Now the part people actually care about. A few photos.

Jason made me a marshmallow fluff filled oozed but was tasty!

James looks like a marshmallow.