BabyFruit Ticker

Monday, June 29, 2009

I love my boys.

James is the best baby ever. He is super cute...cutest boy not named Jason that I know.

Today we went and got him circumcised and had his first well baby check up. I was nervous about the circumcision. However, it went great! The doctor took him into a different room and gave him a little local something and some sugar water and then did the snip. When he left the room he was crying and when he came back from he was happy and hungry. Since leaving the doctor he has slept for three hours in his car seat and is currently for the FIRST TIME EVER sleeping in his crib. This is such a relief because it may mean he will start sleeping in it at night a little bit and both of us could actual get a little sleep at the same time.

Everyday he amazes me because just when I think he can't get any more cute or I can't love him any more he does and I do. I love his little faces that he makes and sometimes I can't sleep because I would rather just look at him.

Alright, enough are some recent pictures: Best Friends alreadyNap time
Yay foam finger!

Friday, June 26, 2009

James Michael LaFavor

First here is the adorable little guy:

I wanted to make a list of things I am excited to do with my son in the future.

1. Buy him a fake razor bathtub toy so he can use bubbles from his bubble bath to pretend to shave like his dad.
2. Wrestle.
3. Play with toy trucks.
4. Watch baseball and football. Have Father-Son sports day.
5. Watch little league games. (Molly will totally be the Mom who gets really really mad at the umpires, but won't yell at them, just complain to the other Moms.)

Sunday, June 7, 2009

I think have failed as a teacher

My sixth grade students were asked to do a research paper on economic and geographic factors that led to a group of peoples need to immigrate. Here is my favorite sentence from one of the papers:

"Most cans have immigrants to get away form fiddle casters communist regime in eBay as my as 78,000 arrived in me united states in 1962."

Sometimes spell check on the computer is a bad bad thing.
Jason and I will totally be parents in two weeks...hopefully. Three weeks at most!
